
  • Gel Doc Systems

    Gel Doc Systems

    For analysing DNA and RNA routinely in your lab, having a great gel doc (gel documentation) system is critical. DNA/RNA stained with ethidium bromide is often visualised using UV. When you need to re-use that DNA, for example, you can choose safer dyes such as SYBR® Safe, SYBR® Gold, SYBR® and GelGreen® which can be imaged with blue light.

  • Chemiluminescence Systems

    Chemiluminescence Systems

    Imaging chemiluminescent Western blots with film can mean it’s difficult to get the right exposure times and requires handling hazardous chemicals. Using a Syngene GeneGnomeXRQ, with its sensitive, cooled CCD camera instead, gives you a wider dynamic range than film, more accurate protein quantification and is much safer. You can do walk-away capture of single or an image series of even faint ECL™ or CDP-Star® chemiluminescence, making it easy for you to detect poorly expressed proteins.